Monday, May 02, 2005


Good news? Bad news?

This morning (2 May 2005) I looked for news in a violin world and I was somewhat surprised. Please take a look at an article: China's cheap instruments hit chord. Factories turn out thousands of violins, pianos, guitars each month for Western markets

That's understandable - China market is booming. I can see and feel it very well, living in New Zealand - part of Australasia.

However, my question remains - can chinese factories produce top quality (fine) violins? To my knowledge, it is absolutely impossible to do that in factories - the only possibility remains workshop of experienced violin maker.

Though our family resides in New Zealand for only 18 months, Wy both (my wife Birute and I) sold 5 fine instruments - 1 viola and 4 violins - to Asian players. So, we can see again and again - quality is much more important than quantity.

So, my thinking remains the same - is is absolutely essential to create fine violins. We usually create around 6 instruments a year, but these are appreciated by professional players.

I was thinking a lot what 'fine violin' means. Details - in my article: Fine violin

Dr. Ces Kul, violin maker

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